DeeRC is a respected name in the R/C field, and they have just added a new R/C foam plane to their lineup that is fun to fly AND amazingly cool looking. The Z65 does not appear to be based on any actual plane design, but rather a unique design that captures the imagination.Being an EPP foam plane the vehicle is quite resilient and handles crashes nicely. The front nose is semi-collapsible and comes with spare coverings. The placement of the two propellors in the center of each wing helps protect them from damage, especially with the landing gear installed.The plane flies pretty nicely. The ground-launch takes a little longer than I anticipated to take off with, whereas other planes have very short runway needs, but it's okay, the plane hand-launches quite nicely. One very useful feature is the "Fixed Height Mode" button on the remote that allows it to stay pretty much on one altitude once you reach a desired elevation. That allows you to put more focus on trying out other features such as rolls and flips.It's been quite windy here lately, but even in a moderate 8 MPH cross breeze she handles reasonably well. I also want to point out that the color scheme makes her very easy to see which is a great comfort for me.Comes with two 3.7 volt 60 MAH batteries that each will provide 15-20 minutes of flight time, as well as a set of blades, spare nosecone coverings, and a nicely illustrated 8-page manual that comes in numerous languages.I am having a lot of fun flying and can't wait for the weather to stabilize so I can get back out there again. Recomended.